Music音乐论文代写,网课代修 网课代上,英国作业代写, Music 音乐课美国essay代写. [assignment代写],100+艺术大咖,他们是来自柯蒂斯、伯克利、纽大、曼哈顿等名校的在职教授;来自英美法等国的海归精英导师,让每一位学员充分接受到国际化、专业化、个性化的指导。

以下几所大学都有你感兴趣的专业,包括皇家音乐学院(Royal Academy of Music)、城市大学(City University)、伦敦金斯顿大学(Kingston University London)、利兹大学(University of Leeds)、南安普顿大学( University of Southampton)、谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield)、东安格利亚大学( University of East Anglia)、皇家苏格兰音乐戏剧学院(Royal Scottish Academy of Music And Drama)、奇切斯特大学(University of Chichester)、威尔士班戈大学(Bangor University)等。
My musical intelligence has reached 100. High musical intelligence suggests that it is very easy for me to recognize the sounds and the tones. What’s more, high musical intelligence suggests that I have a strong musical talent and it is easy for me to learn new songs and melodies.
In terms of visual intelligence, high visual intelligence suggests that it is easy for me to learn something images such as pictures, graphs, and colorful displays and so on. My comparatively high intrapersonal intelligence suggest that I am good at analyzing myself. When it comes to the naturalist intelligence, my naturalist intelligence suggests that I have a good sense of nature. What’s more, it suggests that I am good at discovering the wonders of nature.
My bodily intelligence is relatively low. The result suggests that it may not be so important for me to learn something through movement and experimentation. My verbal intelligence is at a medium level. The result suggests that I am not so good at learning languages, writing and so on. My interpersonal intelligence is relatively low. The result suggests I am not so good at socializing with the others. My logical intelligence is the lowest. The result suggests that it is hard for me to research institutes of science.
I have an extremely high musical intelligence and its score has reached 100. The second is my visual intelligence. When it comes to my comparatively weak intelligence, it is my interpersonal and logical intelligence. My logical intelligence is the lowest. In terms of the other four bits of intelligence, they are almost about the average standard from 60 to 70.
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